Friday, 10 February 2023

NFTs BabsBilliArt farm animals

All my NFTs have been stolen from me!


Many animals are being farmed so that we humans can eat meat, drink milk, eat eggs and use wool to keep us warm. Farm animals sacrifice a lot for us and I believe we really are not aware of how life for these animals can be so difficult. I lived next door to a dairy farm and in the springtime I used to get heartbroken, watching the cows give birth after eight months of carrying the calf, just to have it taken from her straight after it was born. The crying from the cows and calf was horrendous. But farmers would be ignorant of it and believe animals do not grieve. I think differently about this.

The dairy cow gives us milk, yoghurt, cheese and quark, all very nutritious but I wonder how much energy vibration of the grieving cow is carried in these products. Ask yourself.

The boy calves either get sold off to beef farms to grow up to become our meat supply. Any of these calves who do not get sold, get killed off and used in pet food. The killing of these calves is often very cruel. My aim is not to put you off these products but just to take you out of your ignorance about it all.

Sheep and Lambs, the boy lambs get killed off they do not get to grow up and they get used for meat. The girl lambs grow up to provide us with wool and new lambs keeping the production of wool going. Shearing sheep is a traumatic experience for the sheep unless you come across a very compassionate shearer but only a very few of them exists. But all animals forgive us for our cruelty toward them and sacrifice themselves for us. And we do love all the woolly jumpers etc.

Hens, they are amazing. I simply love them. I used to look after many of them when their owner was on holiday. I used to feel as if they knew I was there to look after them and they busy laid eggs every day for me. They greeted me happily when I arrived in the morning.

Horses have been used for farm work for many years and later they have become a hobby for us humans. Riding, horse races etc. I feel for these horses the stress they must be enduring during all these different sports races.

Quails are often used for eggs but also for eating. Pheasants are also hunted for eating.

Of course, there are many more farm animals I do not have them all in this collection, but I just to give you some insides into the life of farm animals.

At the end of 1979, I was a farm exchange student, milking cows in New Zealand and feeding the calves. I enjoyed the farm life very much, I patted each cow before I milked her, and I got teased about it by the farmer, yea I guess 300 cows getting a pat the farmer has never seen anything like it. But the cows loved it and when I milked the cows they always produced more milk. They did care about being treated with love.

Later in my life, I often looked after animals for neighbours and friends so they could go on holiday. I myself owned a milking goat at one time, this was pre-digital photography time, I guess this makes me feel old. Maybe one day I will go through these old photographs of all my goats and scan them to my computer and create some goat nfts. And most of my life I had pets.

All these farm animals in my collections were either next-door neighbours or animals I did look after for friends and farmers. And of course, the backgrounds are photos of my original oil paintings.

And let's not forget Bunnies, they have been farmed for meat and wool. But in New Zealand, they were the farmer's biggest pest. The rabbits would invade the land dig holes and ruin farmland. The Bunnies in my NFT were in my garden a lot. Almost every day they would come for a visit and a nibble of anything eatable.

This collection of NFT HAS BEEN STOLEN FROM ME!

Wednesday, 8 February 2023

NFTs BabsBilliArt simple storytelling

 My simple storytelling NFTs are kind of pretty, sweet, and simple and represent beauty, love, compassion and travel THIS COLLECTION HAS BEEN STOLEN FROM ME

Travel, flowing moving down the river through the rainbows to wherever it takes you. Go with the flow, do not resist the natural flow of the river. Water is emotions, let them flow allow them to simply be and when the time comes let them go. The beauty of the rainbows touches our hearts. We often say our beloved pets have moved over the rainbow bridge and we are grieving for the loss of their earthly form. The river allows our tears to flow and to let go. The Butterly allows for the natural transition from one chapter in our lives to another.

The beautiful yellow flower like the sun warms our being and brings the sunshine back into our hearts.

What a wonderful world you can read a bit more on this post

The birds fly freely giving us a sense of freedom, and the water, the sea, and the ocean represent our emotions at present and help us heal. Flying through the white ring purifies our hearts and the pumpkin adds a bit of a cheeky smile to our faces. 

In the garden, we admire the insects, the flowers, the meadows and nature. Being so close to nature grounds us and brings peace back into our lives. The garden is the perfect place to meditate, to go deep within ourselves to become quiet and to become calm. I think most of us love to have our own garden even just a flowerbox on the balcony, some colour a place where we can watch the butterflies.

The ladybug is known to bring luck and when it sits on your hands and flies off into the sunset it may land on the hand of your future soulmate. Enjoy!

Simplicity there is a blog for the description of this NFT read here

Compassion, love, being in love and passion for life. A piece of Art for Valentine's day. The red for passion, emotions, love and healing our relationships not just with our lover or partner but for all the family and friends or anyone in your life. The roses are symbols of love and affection. The butterfly asks us to transition from the lower energies to the higher vibrations. Calm your anger and frustration and turn them into love and passion for the greater good.

The flames of the fire warm our hearts, it brings romance and love and the warmth of a loving home.

Bottles bring the blues, sometimes we need a drink to drown our sorrows and our sad mood. But always think of the morning after, do you really want the hangover? Is it worth it to drown your sorrows, as they come back as soon as you are sober again? Sometimes a glass of wine with a nice dinner can be relaxing and also romantic. Sometimes we drink to be sociable, but do we regret the next day what we may say or did that we cannot remember? Well remember everything has consequences, you choose!

This collection HAS BEEN STOLEN FROM ME!

Sunday, 5 February 2023

NFTs BabsBilliArt the snake collection transformation


My snake collection symbolises transformation in many different forms. The snakes are a symbol of transformation, they shed their skin and let go of their old skin. When we go through transformation willingly or unwillingly it is not always easy. Change is the only thing constant and so we need to go with the change. Sometimes we need to hit rock bottom in order to get it, we need to change! easier said than done. My snake collection is a message for change a message for transformation. We can just willingly go through the process of shedding the old to allow the new to come in.

This transformation may indicate that all we need to do is make small changes in the way we handle things and life can become more smooth again.

Here we have two snakes and they ask us to transform our lives and shed the skin, letting go of the old and outworn. Making more drastic changes by burning the old by letting go of what no longer works. We cling to things, we are stubborn and here we need to learn to let go, and if we don't we may need to fall deeper into the darkness until we learn. 

And let's see how the colourful transformation could play out. Transformation does not have to be dark, hard, or difficult it can actually be fun and especially when we go with the forces of change. Make it your challenge, your mission to change the things you can change and leave behind what you can not change. Look at transformation and change as something positive. Snakes are considered spiritual and we may fear them, I find them fascinating, yet I will be terrified when I meet one outdoors. But my fascination for them and my curiosity would win over the fear. And this is how I look at change, transformation and the transition from one phase to another phase in life.

When you are aware and observant of your inner being, you can see what is going on. You can with awareness make changes and you can walk through the transformation and change that is happening in your life willingly and with your eyes open. You can be part of each step you need to take with your eyes open and aware so that it becomes a smooth journey from one place in your life to another place, a better and more prosperous place. Enjoy to change, the transformation of your life.

More snake NFTs will be added when the time comes

The end of the nightmare is also one of my snake collections and it symbolises the end of transformation especially when we have gone through hard times when life had become a living nightmare, but we are coming to the end of it all. We are almost there and have come through a massive transformation. The black cat, magic is in the air, and better times are ahead of us. It is time to turn our back to the old life. The woman is walking away from the nightmare into the new life that is before her.

Another NFT I am adding to this collection is called sweet as candy but yuck

When we are back into overindulging, taking the good things for granted, and when life is so sweet as candy and we want more and more of it. Greed may overtake us and the sweetness becomes yuck. We are messing life up with creepy crawlies and scary things

Ugly moments find a way to enter our lives. It starts with small irritations and ends in an overindulging mess. Pick yourself up and know when to stop, know when to put the breaks on and don't let these irritations back into your life.

NFTs BabsBilliArt simplicity

 All my NFTs have been stolen!

Simplicity: Keep it simple, allow life to unfold and keep it simple. As more, we demand from life, as more we create confusion. Keep things simple.

Simplify your life, get rid of the clutter, and stop overthinking things. When we keep things simple we can avoid stress. The little things, the simple things in life will add up to much more than the big things in life.

This is one of my less colourful paintings, but it is simply a few things put together. Life sometimes gets so confusing, and relationships get confusing and difficult because we read too much into things. When we communicate, our mind starts to speculate on what is being said and what it may mean. If we stop this speculation, when we look at it more simply and without expectations, without making a mountain out of a pea it can be so much more peaceful and we no longer need to stress. Keep life simple. Do we really need so much stuff in our life or can we focus and enjoy just the simple things in life?

NFTs BabsBilliArt why creating NFTs

All my NFTs have been stolen from me!

 The question may be why I have decided to create NFTs and not just stayed with painting and photography. 

Back in New Zealand, I was painting a lot with water-soluble oils on canvas. I loved it but soon it became a problem with space. Oil paintings take a very long time to dry and of course, sales were not just happening because I created so many paintings. Even so, I actually sold many paintings, I was running out of space in my home. I began to feel a bit claustrophobic. The battle was to place paintings that needed to dry somewhere safe from all my cats and dogs. Yes of course my cats always wanted to sit on a wet new piece of art. 

The result of my cat on a wet painting, the peeling of some paint. The other hard part of being an artist of oil paintings was travelling to many exhibitions, and ending up not selling a piece. hard work to be an artist.

Galleries who did not want to promote a first-time artist and so on. I ended up giving it all up. But you know I loved the experience and I made photos of all my paintings and I am proud of what I achieved. I got the opportunity for an article in a magazine, and one of my paintings was chosen for a corporate calendar, not bad for a nobody like me.

So one day the idea came to me that I would really love to bring together my paintings and photography, and what could I create with these two elements. And the NFTs were born. The fun of designing with my colourful paintings and my photography has opened a new world for me and it is an exciting journey, I love it and I hope this will show through my NFTs and you will love them too.

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And check out my NFTs on OpenSea

Saturday, 4 February 2023

NFTs BabsBilliArt The Green Hat


All my NFTs have been stolen from me!

The green hat: is simple yet majestic with the eye that is looking at you. The Golden orange background makes it look robust, suggesting wisdom from within, the inner eye trying to communicate with you. You can draw on your internal knowledge and the hat's green is the heart's colour. Your internal power expressed through the heart allows all situations to come into balance and harmony.

Listen to your inner voice and acknowledge your inner seeing, the vision for a great future is protected by the green hat of the heart. Simplicity, elegance, knowledge and wisdom. Your third eye watches through your heart and guides you through life and all its challenges.

The circles allow life to flow and the cycles of life and death, when one door closes another door opens. When you follow your heart, listen to your inner voice and see with your inner eye wisdom comes to you and answers to your questions will be yours.

BabsBilliArt the pot of Gold

All my NFTs have been stolen from me!

The Pot of Gold 

The pot of Gold, yes we all love money and we all need money to pay our bills, money is power and it dictates to us what we can and cannot have. Many think money creates freedom, but I disagree. Money creates stress, it creates workaholics, and often it is one of the causes of family arguments, relationship breakups, unhealthy relationships and stress.

What do we call freedom? To be able to buy anything we want? To have the best and the most of everything? A luxurious lifestyle? Is this freedom when we have to work 24/7 to make all this money? Do you think your partner truly loves you for you or just for the money? Money dominates our life, it controls us and to me, this is no freedom. Yet we all need it including me. I love the orange-gold colours and these colours represent wisdom, strength, and trauma overcome, so if we keep things in balance and do not allow money to have too much control over us, life could be so much better. One of my dreams used to be to become as much as possible self-reliant, but even here we need the money to set ourselves up. We are addicted to money, the material things and we feel less worthy if we do not have much money. Money is power, it is used to buy our politicians. Money dominance suppresses people and creates inequality. But we can not be without money. Things are changing, and our economy is changing will the world become fairer more equal more balanced? Will we be able to fight corruption? So many unanswered questions. Here is a print, I created to make us think, maybe to help us just to enjoy life or maybe to confront ourselves in what money means to any of us.
My art is available on Saatchi Art

Friday, 3 February 2023

BabsBilliArt NFTs my Gallery

 All my NFTs have been stolen from me!

My very first NFTs are now on OpenSea I will let you know when they will be for sale stay tuned.

Zip can you see me;

Zipped is one of my oil paintings and combined with some photography I made this beautiful NFT design. The cat jumped into the painting asking if we can see her as she is looking over to us from behind the flowers that were growing in my garden over the summer. The oil painting has sold but I love the photo of it and used it in creating this piece of art. It is unique as every part of it has been created by myself.

I will add more as soon as I add more to OpenSea

What a wonderful world; When I look around me, I get inspired by how beautiful the world is. Open your eyes and see the magic. Part of this design is photos taken at the Thakuranna beach in Estonia. And the pumpkin believes it or not, is a wonderful memory I still have from growing pumpkins back in New Zealand. 

The pyramid; stands in the middle of the desert, the sun shines hot and it is a beautiful day. The background of this design is created with a painting, and the heat of the sun and the pyramid is created with the painting called emotion both these paintings have been sold and using the photographs of them just brings more vibrance to the colours.

Keep checking on OpenSea for my Art 

NFTs Colourful

 All my NFTs have been stolen from me!

Colourful, yes, I love colours, I am colourful and my NFTs are bright, cheerful, and emotional. They will express the depth of colour. As I have been a healer for the past thirty years, I have come to understand how colours can affect our life and our healing process, so can be creative have a positive effect on us.

Whenever I design something, it comes from a place of healing, of the love of our planet, nature and the environment, the love for the animals and pets. 

With this in mind, I hope my NFTs will send healing to you and inspire you to lift up your day with colour and nature. 


Bambi: a childhood memory, I loved it so much when my mom read me the story of Bambi back when I was a small child. Now I have many different Bambi walk by my kitchen window right in front of my camera.

Foxy; makes my day. Whenever he walks past my home I get excited and he really does make my day!

SOON available as NFTs

Wednesday, 1 February 2023

NFTs totally unique and my own

All my NFTs have been stolen from me!

 My NFTs will be unique as I create them from my own art and photography.

I will use the photos of my water-soluble oil paintings in my NFTs creation and my photography, bringing them all together through Photoshop. So my work of art will be unique, original, and designed from my heart and soul, it will be a colourful expression of who I am and my life experiences, the good and the sad will come through these amazing NFTs. Stay tuned, I will be soon on OpenSea and they will then be for sale.

                                                     My Paintings

                                                    My Photography

                                                      All put together