Friday, 17 November 2023

Snakes and Transformation

 Snakes are a symbol of transformation. Change is imminent and change is the only thing constant. The different Art pieces of the snakes signal that we can undergo a transformation in many different ways. We have mental, emotional, physical and spiritual transformation. we may not even become aware of the changes we are going through, it may become a very long slow form of transforming our lives. Are we transforming in the dark and end up becoming the light. Are the changes happening fast, unexpected, or slow and gradual? Healing takes place, and we get the opportunity to make positive changes. but sometimes change and transformation happen suddenly without notice and we are summoned to learn lessons, to go through challenges, observe, and become aware. 

You can find my art on Saatchiart

Enjoy my photo art and have fun with Transformation get the Snake art that will help you make changes.

  In emotional transformation, the color green represents the heart the emotions the moods, and the patterns of life on a heart level. Relationships, love, and family.


Sudden change, the unexpected, accidents, learn from your mistakes, time out, and allow the change to happen as fast as it likes. Go with it, let go, and stop the resistance.

Transform to become the light. There is light at the end of the tunnel. Choose the higher road, become the light, and heal the past.

Transformation in the darkness, and grief often takes us deep within, we have to heal in the depth of our being. We may find the answers deep within in our dark side of being.