All my NFTs have been stolen from me!
Many animals are being farmed so that we humans can eat
meat, drink milk, eat eggs and use wool to keep us warm. Farm animals sacrifice
a lot for us and I believe we really are not aware of how life for these animals
can be so difficult. I lived next door to a dairy farm and in the springtime I
used to get heartbroken, watching the cows give birth after eight months of
carrying the calf, just to have it taken from her straight after it was born.
The crying from the cows and calf was horrendous. But farmers would be ignorant
of it and believe animals do not grieve. I think differently about this.
The dairy cow gives us milk, yoghurt, cheese and quark, all
very nutritious but I wonder how much energy vibration of the grieving cow is
carried in these products. Ask yourself.
The boy calves either get sold off to beef farms to grow up
to become our meat supply. Any of these calves who do not get sold, get killed
off and used in pet food. The killing of these calves is often very cruel. My
aim is not to put you off these products but just to take you out of your
ignorance about it all.
Sheep and Lambs, the boy lambs get killed off they do not
get to grow up and they get used for meat. The girl lambs grow up to provide us
with wool and new lambs keeping the production of wool going. Shearing sheep is
a traumatic experience for the sheep unless you come across a very
compassionate shearer but only a very few of them exists. But all animals
forgive us for our cruelty toward them and sacrifice themselves for us. And we
do love all the woolly jumpers etc.
Hens, they are amazing. I simply love them. I used to look
after many of them when their owner was on holiday. I used to feel as if they
knew I was there to look after them and they busy laid eggs every day for me.
They greeted me happily when I arrived in the morning.
Horses have been used for farm work for many years and later
they have become a hobby for us humans. Riding, horse races etc. I feel for
these horses the stress they must be enduring during all these different sports
Quails are often used for eggs but also for eating.
Pheasants are also hunted for eating.
Of course, there are many more farm animals I do not have
them all in this collection, but I just to give you some insides into the life of
farm animals.
At the end of 1979, I was a farm exchange student, milking
cows in New Zealand and feeding the calves. I enjoyed the farm life very much,
I patted each cow before I milked her, and I got teased about it by the farmer, yea
I guess 300 cows getting a pat the farmer has never seen anything like it. But the
cows loved it and when I milked the cows they always produced more milk. They
did care about being treated with love.
Later in my life, I often looked after animals for neighbours
and friends so they could go on holiday. I myself owned a milking goat at one
time, this was pre-digital photography time, I guess this makes me feel old. Maybe one day I will go through these old photographs of all my goats and scan them to my computer and create some goat nfts. And most of my life I had pets.
All these farm animals in my collections were either next-door neighbours or animals I did look after for friends and farmers. And of
course, the backgrounds are photos of my original oil paintings.
And let's not forget Bunnies, they have been farmed for meat and wool. But in New Zealand, they were the farmer's biggest pest. The rabbits would invade the land dig holes and ruin farmland. The Bunnies in my NFT were in my garden a lot. Almost every day they would come for a visit and a nibble of anything eatable.
This collection of NFT HAS BEEN STOLEN FROM ME!