Wednesday, 15 March 2023

BabsBilliArt Just Dogs

 Just Dogs; Dogs are human's best friends. They are loyal, you can trust them, and they never let you down. They truly are our best friends. Dogs come in many different sizes, breeds and colours and just make our day. They enjoy being by our side, protecting us and looking after us. They make great teachers. They help us out on the farm, and they can be great Police dogs, guide dogs and so much more. Water rescue dogs and sniff out drug dogs etc. We all could find stories about dogs. And if you ever owned a dog you will know how precious they are. When they pass over it is like losing our best friends, the grief hits as hard. 

I had many dogs throughout my life, from childhood and throughout my life. Dogs keep us on our toes, but they are also a huge responsibility. We should only have dogs if we can take good care of them. They need long walks and exercise, they need us to be around and they like to follow us wherever we go. So this collection of PhotoArt is dedicated to all dogs to our best friends!

Dogs transform our hearts and we learn what true love and friendship are all about. When we rescue a dog or adopt a dog it will be forever grateful to us to provide it with a good nice and safe home. One of my favourite dogs is the Leonbergers and New Foundland dogs, gentle giants and such cuddly dogs but also fantastic water rescue dogs. When they leave us and head over the rainbow bridge they leave a great hole in our hearts. Old dogs are gentle and almost angelic. Dogs love to play and have fun and when they get exhausted their yawn is huge. When dogs are happy they make funny faces and look cool with a hat on their head. We just love our dogs and when they work so amazingly out on the farm and help bring in the sheep or cows. Enjoy your dog!

Prints are available on Saatchi Art to check my website as I will upload them soon. And my new video will soon be available too.

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