Shapes, when I create I put together, colours, shapes, people, animals whatever comes to mind. I often use photos of fires and flames to add texture and let it blend into the colours. I love using photoshop and just exploring and designing my pieces. Prints on Saatchi Art
For most of my life, I have been a rebel, I do not like to put myself and anything I do into a box or add a label. Categories, labels and descriptions often limit me in what I like to express. For the Art website, we have to add categories and descriptions which often do not really fit my PhotoArt. Yes, it is made by photographers from the paintings I created a long time ago. It is also designed with photographers of almost anything. I use photoshop to put it all together so it is manipulated and digital. What style? I don't like to put it into a specific style so some are Portrait, some are cubism, Geometrics, photorealism, abstract digital whatever. What is important to me is that it is colourful maybe even mixed with some black and white photos. That it expresses something close to my heart. One of my shape Art is called Breakthrough, it is created in one of these lightbulb moments, the Butterfly also indicates transformation, transitioning, and breaking through the cocoon. the painting in the background was also called Breakthrough. My Art resisting the flow, and the background is a photo of my painting resistance. We all have moments when we resist change when we know we have to make changes but just do not want to change right now.
So my Art also has animals, flowers and Butterflies often in it, as I am passionate about animals, flowers, nature and all creatures big and small. My art changes, as I believe nothing stays the same, we always grow, expand, and change and therefore my Art also changes. So feel free to weave your own story into my art, what do you see? What do you feel?
Another thing I like to express here about myself; I am not a perfectionist, I don't even strive to become a perfectionist. You could take it as my signature, that if something is slightly out of alignment if the flowers are slightly hanging out of the photo and get cut off, it is me, it is part of who I am. It is my rebellion against having to be perfect, having to be an Artist with a degree in Art. Sorry, I do not have an Arts degree. Where does this rebellion come from? My lovely and amazing mom is an Artist but she never felt that my creation is Art. But that is ok, we all can think what we like and by the way, I adore my mom and her Art.
Many years ago I was teaching horticulture to first-time offenders and school dropouts. This opened my eyes and strengthened my rebellion. These guys, could not read and write much and how was I supposed to teach them about gardening and get them into employment? I loved these guys, and I loved teaching, but the rules, the guidelines and at the end the government shut down these courses. But what I discovered was that each of these guys had talent. They were artistic, in art, drawing, music, and dance and they all had skills like some made good leaders, others were supportive and others were very practical and good at working with their hands. If only all these talents were encouraged instead of suppressed. If only we could promote the good in each other without categorising, without a label, without trying to fit them into a box.
So this is my blurp explaining a bit more about who I am, what inspires me and how I think. Hope you enjoy my PhotoArt.
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