Foxy; When I moved back from New Zealand to Europe, I found a beautiful spot in the country to set up my new home. In the morning I love sitting at my kitchen table and watching the grass move in the wind, the trees and I can see even the ocean in the distance. Birds fly overhead, and the view from my kitchen window is just amazing. One morning a Fox walked by the window, foxy just made my day. I love the fox and other wildlife and whenever I see the fox I know my day is filled with joy. So here are my foxy designs and I hope they will bring you as much joy as they bring me and the love for nature, for wildlife, enjoy! Available on Saatchi Art
Everything around us has the potential to heal us. The Universe provides the tools we need to grow, explore, evolve and live a happy and content life. Change is the only thing constant and my life has been changing all the time. Now it is time to bring all the aspects of my life into a piece of art. NFTs. or maybe a printed version?
Tuesday, 28 March 2023
BabsBilliArt Foxy
Tuesday, 21 March 2023
BabsBilliArt Flowers, Hens and Roosters
The Garden is an excellent place to have some hens and roosters. The chicken manure does wonders for our garden and especially the vegetable garden. Hens lay eggs and are really quite amazing birds, I love them and when they can roam free in our garden they get rid of snails and small insects in the soil, but also love the kitchen organic waste. The rooster will wake us up in the morning, early morning is wonderful when all the wildlife is starting to wake up. Birds and insects flying around and watching our garden grow, flowers opening and just the colours are amazing.
Hens come in many different colours and sizes and breeds. When I used to house sit for people it was amazing how the hens would come and greet me and wanted to chat with me and always lay plenty of eggs for me. I love Hens and Roosters and I love the flowers in the garden they make a wonderful display of colours and are a fantastic subject to photograph.
Sunday, 19 March 2023
BabsBilliArt shapes and just Art
Shapes, when I create I put together, colours, shapes, people, animals whatever comes to mind. I often use photos of fires and flames to add texture and let it blend into the colours. I love using photoshop and just exploring and designing my pieces. Prints on Saatchi Art
For most of my life, I have been a rebel, I do not like to put myself and anything I do into a box or add a label. Categories, labels and descriptions often limit me in what I like to express. For the Art website, we have to add categories and descriptions which often do not really fit my PhotoArt. Yes, it is made by photographers from the paintings I created a long time ago. It is also designed with photographers of almost anything. I use photoshop to put it all together so it is manipulated and digital. What style? I don't like to put it into a specific style so some are Portrait, some are cubism, Geometrics, photorealism, abstract digital whatever. What is important to me is that it is colourful maybe even mixed with some black and white photos. That it expresses something close to my heart. One of my shape Art is called Breakthrough, it is created in one of these lightbulb moments, the Butterfly also indicates transformation, transitioning, and breaking through the cocoon. the painting in the background was also called Breakthrough. My Art resisting the flow, and the background is a photo of my painting resistance. We all have moments when we resist change when we know we have to make changes but just do not want to change right now.
So my Art also has animals, flowers and Butterflies often in it, as I am passionate about animals, flowers, nature and all creatures big and small. My art changes, as I believe nothing stays the same, we always grow, expand, and change and therefore my Art also changes. So feel free to weave your own story into my art, what do you see? What do you feel?
Another thing I like to express here about myself; I am not a perfectionist, I don't even strive to become a perfectionist. You could take it as my signature, that if something is slightly out of alignment if the flowers are slightly hanging out of the photo and get cut off, it is me, it is part of who I am. It is my rebellion against having to be perfect, having to be an Artist with a degree in Art. Sorry, I do not have an Arts degree. Where does this rebellion come from? My lovely and amazing mom is an Artist but she never felt that my creation is Art. But that is ok, we all can think what we like and by the way, I adore my mom and her Art.
Many years ago I was teaching horticulture to first-time offenders and school dropouts. This opened my eyes and strengthened my rebellion. These guys, could not read and write much and how was I supposed to teach them about gardening and get them into employment? I loved these guys, and I loved teaching, but the rules, the guidelines and at the end the government shut down these courses. But what I discovered was that each of these guys had talent. They were artistic, in art, drawing, music, and dance and they all had skills like some made good leaders, others were supportive and others were very practical and good at working with their hands. If only all these talents were encouraged instead of suppressed. If only we could promote the good in each other without categorising, without a label, without trying to fit them into a box.
So this is my blurp explaining a bit more about who I am, what inspires me and how I think. Hope you enjoy my PhotoArt.
Wednesday, 15 March 2023
BabsBilliArt Just Dogs
Just Dogs; Dogs are human's best friends. They are loyal, you can trust them, and they never let you down. They truly are our best friends. Dogs come in many different sizes, breeds and colours and just make our day. They enjoy being by our side, protecting us and looking after us. They make great teachers. They help us out on the farm, and they can be great Police dogs, guide dogs and so much more. Water rescue dogs and sniff out drug dogs etc. We all could find stories about dogs. And if you ever owned a dog you will know how precious they are. When they pass over it is like losing our best friends, the grief hits as hard.
I had many dogs throughout my life, from childhood and throughout my life. Dogs keep us on our toes, but they are also a huge responsibility. We should only have dogs if we can take good care of them. They need long walks and exercise, they need us to be around and they like to follow us wherever we go. So this collection of PhotoArt is dedicated to all dogs to our best friends!
Dogs transform our hearts and we learn what true love and friendship are all about. When we rescue a dog or adopt a dog it will be forever grateful to us to provide it with a good nice and safe home. One of my favourite dogs is the Leonbergers and New Foundland dogs, gentle giants and such cuddly dogs but also fantastic water rescue dogs. When they leave us and head over the rainbow bridge they leave a great hole in our hearts. Old dogs are gentle and almost angelic. Dogs love to play and have fun and when they get exhausted their yawn is huge. When dogs are happy they make funny faces and look cool with a hat on their head. We just love our dogs and when they work so amazingly out on the farm and help bring in the sheep or cows. Enjoy your dog!
Prints are available on Saatchi Art to check my website as I will upload them soon. And my new video will soon be available too.
Friday, 10 March 2023
BabsBilliArt Just Cats
Just Cats
By now you know I love cats, any cat I believe is adorable, so many of my PhotoArt pieces are cat pictures. But in this post, I like to talk more about colours as I love using bright colours for my designs. The background of my designs is the colours I used in the original oil paintings I photographed. These photographs were manipulated to make the background bright and amazing.
Here I would like to talk about colours, as I am a big fan of colours. My work as a natural health therapist in the past has made me understand the significance of colours. Colours have a great effect on us and can be used for healing by simply surrounding ourselves with a colour we need or by wearing a colour we need.
Red is for passion, love, energy, and warmth but also too much red can create frustration and anger. Red is energising and brings back the bounce we may have lost. And is also good for grounding ourselves
Orange is for strength and determination. When I use to have to collect money from clients my orange skirt did the trick. It gave me the strength to ask for the money owed to me. It made me in control and gave me the appearance of don't mess with me. Orange will help in overcoming trauma and shock.
Yellow brings back the sunshine, helps with depression and helps us to do mental work. It is the colour of the brain, knowledge and wisdom. It is the colour to help us to assimilate what we learn and digest any learnings so we become more knowledgeable. Yellow brings back the smile.
Blue brings peace, structure, clarity and an ability to go with the flow. Think of the ocean, walking along the ocean brings peace it helps us heal almost any emotion. Blue also helps with communication and helps us to express ourselves better with words.
Green is nature, the heart, emotions feelings things in life. Green is space, when we need space to feel things and need a time out in nature. Reconnect with nature and our hearts. Following our heart and trust in what we feel.
Pink is unconditional love, sweet love, calming love and just love. Pink is sweet, kind, and pampering. When we need to love ourselves more, when we need to take care of ourselves more and when we need to calm down. It has a huge calming effect on people.
Mauves and Violets, Purple, for Intuition, healing grief, transforming the negatives into positive. Follow your intuition, and listen to the guidance of your inner voice. Calming and transformation.
Video link for my Cats and hats PhotoArt
And here is my new PhotoArt Just Cats
Soon Available on Saatchi Art I will upload them over the next few days so check it out then
Wednesday, 8 March 2023
Cats with hats
Cats with hats is a new collection and will be available soon. Prints are now available on Saatchi Art
These art pieces will brighten up any room in your home, they bring colour to your home and your life. If you love cats but are unable to have a pet cat then this photo art will make your day.
Cats are amazing and there are so many different kinds out there. Many of us will have cats as pets and enjoy their love, affection and playfulness. I have had many cats all throughout my life and just enjoyed their company. When they snuggle into us when they come running when we get home when they sleep on the bed with us and just simply having them around is precious. They bring peace, they bring calm and did you know, patting a cat can bring you stress relief. So my collection of cats with hats is dedicated to all the wonderful cats out there who make our lives so much better and bring us joy.
I will add a link once I am ready to let you know how and when you can purchase any of these cats with hats art.
Monday, 6 March 2023
BabsBilliArt NFTs scams
It is sad when you put your heart and soul into NFT Art just to lose your art and money by getting scammed. Yes the internet, NFT and crypto are full of scammers who think they can get away with scamming people and putting us through hell. But there is always an upside. It makes you stronger, and it makes you more determined to continue and find new ways and new solutions.
Even so, I now believe I should no longer work with NFTs as it has been a heartbreaking experience, I already have new ideas and safer ideas on how to share my art with the world. So stay tuned and I will soon reveal my plans.
In the meantime, if you see on any of the many NFT markets places the NFTs from my post:
All twenty-two NFTs have been stolen. So report them please and do not buy them at any cost.
Thank you.
My love for creating art will never stop and I will always continue to work hard and stay creative. It is what brings meaning to my life and what makes me happy.
So don't go anywhere I will soon post more and show you new Art and where you will be able to buy my Art from.